Tuesday 18 December 2012

During my presentation people seemed to like my photo montage characeter the best , so I have decided to
create a montage scene to see what the character would look like with the scene ...

After our presentations I have re done my contrast mood-board.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Animatic Final

I had to re-do my final animatic, so that it was the correct aspect ratio and so that  it filled the entire screen, as it didn't before.

Friday 7 December 2012

Here are my final storyboards for my animation ... I started my creating my storywords in Microsoft
Word, and then re-did theem using photoshop so that they were in the correct format and had the correct aspect ratios.

Thursday 22 November 2012

It is a month until hand in date for this project. I am finding this project interesting as I am learning skills needed for pre-production which I am also finding useful for my final year project. I am currently working on my animatic, I have created all the images for my storyboard in Photoshop and then have created some additional images for my animatic to create more movement.

Whilst at university today working on my animatic, I ended up discussing my projects with a class-mate. We thought that it would be an interesting idea to maybe have my final piece in the same colours that I have drawn my storyboards in as it creates a frosty, cold, christmassy atmosphere. I have created a character sheet for one of my main characters the deer and I am going to create the same character and try out doing in in the blue and white colours to see if I like that image better. I have created my montage for my other main character, Ellie and I am going to create my character sheet for her using the blue colours.